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Скачать тему The Problems of Musical Education Язык профессионального общения МГЛУ
Actually, it seems to me that having a musical education is important as it helps one to mould a many-sided personality with rich imagination, sensitivity. Music is a source of inspiration, so one can flex their creative muscle. Besides, playing a musical instrument isn’t a walkover & it teaches you to be well-disciplined & hard-working. You know, it’s necessary to spend hours practicing, doing scales, learning to read music freely – it’s certainly quite challenging. By the way, it’s a well known fact that with a musical background under their belt people can easier develop linguistic skills: your visual & long-term memory gets a good work-out & your ear is trained enough to enable you to pick up some subtleties in phonetics. Personally, I’m grateful to my parents for sending me to music school. I think that if a child has an ear for music & is interested in it going to music school will do him the world of good. However, I also believe that parents shouldn’t force & plunge their kids into music as early as possible. Anyway, it should be a well considered decision....