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Скачать тему The place of women in society Язык профессионального общения ЯПО МГЛУ

We can’t talk about the place of women in society without examining the development of the civilizations around the world, because women's position is closely related to the level of the civilization that the society has achieved. In ancient times, when society's ability of transforming the nature into wealth was poor, the surviving of its members greatly depended on their physical strength. So people used their bodies much more than their brains. As physical difference between men and women is larger than the mental one, at that time, male was the major factor of a society's economy. Women's role was very limited; women depended on men heavily for surviving. This dependency determined women's position in a society. The major women’s function at that time was to continue generations.
However, with the help of the new technologies’ discovery, western societies advanced much more than eastern ones and this difference changed the structure of the world completely. After the women's liberation movement, western women's status has been changed a lot, and people started treating women better. The economical reason behind this change is also fundamental. Since the societies depend on human being's mind much more than they do on human being's body, women's economical conditions improved a lot, to a certain extent, they do not need to reply on men for surviving, they can easily get to work and support themselves.